Thursday, August 23, 2012

Dentist and Dancing

Busy week for Claire! Monday was her first ever dentist appointment. Let's just say it went as well as you'd expect your first ever dentist appointment to go. She freaked out! She loved the waiting area - it is a pediatric dentist with a big play area and huge fish tank. But as soon we crossed over to the "other side" and she saw the chairs and tools she knew she did not want to be there!
Luckily the staff and dentist were super nice, and knew just how to handle it. I'm guessing that's something they see pretty often! Her teeth look great and we will try again in 6 months!
This year we decided to sign Claire up for dance, so her first class was Wednesday! She cried when everyone went into the classroom and DID NOT want to go. I finally coaxed her into the room (which means I carried her!). When I snuck out she was still crying but not too long after that she stopped. They have a little video monitor the parents can watch to see what they are doing in class. One little snag we will have to work on is that she did the whole class barefoot! She refused to put her shoes on. When they switched to tap shoes I thought she'd want to do that, but the teacher chased her around the room a couple times and gave up. So I'm sure we will work our way up to that!
So next is school! Monday we go meet her teacher for an orientation and then Tuesday is her first day. She will be going from 9-1 on Tuesday and Thursday. I'm pretty nervous but I know she will love it - even if it takes a little while to warm up to it!
And finally, an update on Maggie! Today was my 32 week ultrasound and appointment. She is measuring right on track. They are estimating her to be in the 7 lb range when she is born. Not too bad! But a little bigger than Claire was! My blood pressure is good and I'm feeling fairly well. Definitely getting tired easier, but managing! We are finally painting the nursery this weekend so I'll post pictures soon!
I'll leave you with a few recent pictures. Enjoy :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Jack & the Beanstalk

I think everyone knows how much Claire likes to read her books.
Recently we received a hand-me-down from her 2nd cousin Olivia. It is a collection of nursery rhymes and Claire is hooked!
Her favorites so far are Little Red Riding Hood, Chicken Licken, and Jack & the Beanstalk. Here she is reading Jack!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

First Haircut!

Today I took Claire for her first ever haircut! I drove out pretty far to a place that is just for kids called Doodle Doo's. SO worth the drive! She got to pick out a DVD to watch while they cut her hair. We picked a Disney Princess storybook movie that she has at home. She loved telling her hair stylist all about Ariel, Sebastian and Flounder. It was great that they kept her occupied! She even got to sit in a boat with her babydoll in the back.
She was a little timid at first, especially when they tried to paint her fingernails. She was not into that AT ALL. So they just wiped it off and went on to the hair cut. She was fine with it! The hair stylist gave her some bubbles to blow and she held on to them for dear life. Luckily I was able to get them back from her when she was all done.
My biggest fear with the haircut was that her curls would be gone - but they aren't at all! Her hair is actually even curlier now that it is cleaned up. It looks great and mama is hoping that means an easier time combing through it in the morning.

We have so many firsts coming up this month, can't wait to share them all. Next week Claire has her first ever dentist appointment! Then on Wednesday she has her first ever dance class. I am so excited that I signed her up! She is going to take an hour long class that is half ballet and half tap. She LOVES her tap shoes. Somehow she already knows a tap song. As soon as she put them on she started singing "tap, tap, tap your feet 1-and-2-and-3..." who knows where that came from! But she is all set with her leotards, tights, ballet shoes, and tap shoes. I am sure I will have LOTS of pictures to document all of it!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Introducing Baby Maggie (almost)

This week we had our 2nd attempt at a 3D ultrasound for Maggie. The first one she was breach and all curled up. She had her feet and umbilical cord all in front of her face and was not going to budge for anything. So we went back this week and not a whole lot had changed! She is no longer breach (yay!) but still had her feet and the umbilical cord in her face. Luckily we got a few good shots! They look a little funky in her mouth/cheek area because you are actually seeing the umbilical cord instead of her.

Yep, that's a foot in her eye! The funny thing is I kept saying the whole appointment that she looks exactly like Claire. Clay and Ce-Ce did not believe me, but I have Claire's 3D ultrasound pic to prove it! Take a look and see what you think.

We can't wait to meet her in person!

Thursday, August 9, 2012


So I totally slacked off on the blog thing. I don't know why, I just couldn't keep up with it. But now that we have our new addition joining us in October I'm going to start again! I've decided to make Thursday my blog day. So the goal is for me to post something every Thursday - even if it is just a quick Claire story or whatever.
We've been very busy lately! I am now 31 weeks pregnant (tomorrow). This pregnancy has absolutely flown by. We are expecting baby Maggie October 12. There have been some small bumps in the pregnancy, but thankfully nothing too serious. I just have to remember to rest when I can. Hard to do with a rambunctious 2 year old!
Claire is growing everyday. She starts school August 28! I enrolled her in a 2-year old class twice a week. It is at a Methodist Church at the beach. I am so nervous about taking her, but I know she will love it! She will go Tuesday & Thursday from 9-1. I even have to pack her a lunch! Hard to believe my little girl will be in school.
Clay is keeping busy. He made O-4 (Lieutenant Commander) in March. He then found out last month that he will be a Department Head in HAWAII. That was quite a shock. Luckily the way the timing works we won't have to be there until January 2014. I think I need that long to wrap my head around NOT living in Jacksonville. We have been so fortunate to be near family for so long. Now it is time for a new chapter in the Waddill family!
Last week Clay and I celebrated our 6-year anniversary. It is hard to believe it has been 6 years since we got married, but then I think about all the stuff we have done in those 6 years and it amazes me! To celebrate we took Claire on a little family vacation before the baby comes and things get hectic for awhile. We went to a family beach resort at Palm Coast. Claire had an absolute blast swimming the whole time. It was nice for us to get away!